Greeting from the chairperson of Trustee Suzuko Nishihara

After about 10 years of successful activities the well-known Research Institute of Japanese Language Education acquired non-profit organization status and embarked on a new era as NPO Research Institute for Japanese Language Education. In this new era we are committed to assisting with the development of even better programs for both teachers and learners of Japanese, and are actively seeking more members. With the assistance of our wide membership base, we hope to engage in mutually beneficial exchanges and make significant contributions to the field of Japanese Language Education. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all teachers and learners of Japanese to join our Institute.

Dr. Suzuko Nishihara Chairperson RIJLE Board of Directors

NPO Reserch Institute for Japanese Language Education’s founding principles

NPO Reserch Institute for Japanese Language Education was established in May 2003, to contribute to (Japanese language education) through scholarship & international understanding, by supporting and encouraging non-native speakers of Japanese, Japanese language teachers and domestic and overseas institutions and organizations. In order to accomplish the purpose, the research institute undertakes the following not-for-profit activities.

1. Research into Japanese language education (and presentation of this research at conferences). Activities to promote Japanese language education (including homepage and journals related to Japanese language education).
2. Provide assistance to Japanese language students (correspondence courses and language, culture and education experiences for non-Japanese people).
3. Assistance to Japanese language teachers (developing Japanese instructors through volunteer organizations and regional cities and towns).

* Seminars and presentations for Japanese teachers and students.
* Literature reviews related to Business Japanese language education.

With our experience as noted above, especially that associated with correspondence courses, and our desire to help students, we have developed an online course for intermediate to advanced Japanese language learners. To help Japanese language teachers find teaching jobs, we have developed a human resource bank, which has been increasing in popularity over the last few years.

Our goal is to support each and every individual teacher and student involved in Japanese language education.